Love, Joy, Peace...
Membership or Partnership?
We often use the phrase "membership" to describe an individual's connection to the Church. That's not a bad or unbiblical metaphor (see 1 Corinthians 12). However, in the 21st century, membership conjures images of country clubs or social clubs with perks and benefits, while also having minimal investment.
We believe there is another biblical term that better describes an individual's relationship to the church: partnership.
The word fellowship (koinonia in Greek) actually means something more like "partnership," as we think of the word. Partnership not only makes us think of close relationships between members, but it brings to mind the goal of these relationships. In other words, partners are close, but partners have a common goal.
What does this mean for someone who wants to be a "partner" of Goodman Oaks?
As partners, we have the joy and freedom to be ourselves, come as we are, be loved by family, and leave better than we were when we came!
It means that the partners, not the church leaders, are the driving and functioning force of the church. The church leaders exist to give Spiritual, Practical, and Functional leadership and direction to the church. However, the ultimate job of the church leaders is to "Equip the saints for the work of the ministry," (Ephesians 4:12).
This means that we, as partners, can take responsibility for the ministry and function of the church and not simply sit back and watch the leadership do everything. Therefore, the mission, vision, and core values of our church are not a burden but a lifestyle that we embrace.
As partners of Goodman Oaks, we take responsibility for our own spirituality. We do not expect the church or the minister to negotiate our relationship with God; but rather, pursue a personal relationship with God as our first priority. We do this in our own time with God as well as participating in the gatherings and events at church.
We also have the privilege of participating in the Community of our church. We are a family and enjoy the benefits of the close, loving environment. We maintain unity in our family by working through conflict in a Godly, Biblical manner. We don't gossip or cause division, but rather seek unity and live for the sake of others. We support the church leaders and pray for each other as we "Bear one another’s burdens." Living in love and unity with each other is one of the best ways to come to a realization of what God imagined us to be when He created us. As we live in community together, we will begin to see each other’s strengths and gifting. As we develop our gifts, we will learn how to work in harmony and balance with each other and function together as partners with Christ.
We understand that, everywhere we go, the Gospel goes, in us. Therefore, even if our gifting is not in evangelism or public speaking, we can still share our grace stories and weekly testimony with the lost world around us. Our personal testimony, integrity, and reputation is crucial in our ability to represent Christ in our community, so we can reflect the image and love of Jesus, by having a good testimony and godly lifestyle. We can also share the Gospel by taking part in the outreach events of the Church.
We understand that, as church partners, it is our privilege and responsibility to steward our time, talents, resources, and money for the work of God through the ministries of Goodman Oaks. We understand that the church is supported by our regular offerings. Since we are participating in the life of the church, we get to see, firsthand, the joy of ministry and the fruit of our effort and giving. It is therefore a joy and not a burden to give to the work of God at Goodman Oaks.
Partnership Form
To begin the journey of discipleship through partnership with Goodman Oaks, please complete the form in the link below.
Get Plugged In
Partnering with Goodman Oaks means pitching in and getting involved. In fact, the sooner an individual or family becomes involved in the life and work of the church, the more certain it is they stay connected and grow. Please complete the form below to tell us how you want to participate in our church.
Goodman Oaks 101
Each March and September, we host an event called Goodman Oaks 101. This is for new or prospective members (ahem, "partners") to help them get a bird's eye view of the church, meet the leadership, all over a nice meal. Click the link below to register for the next Goodman Oaks 101.
Email Signup
Whether you are new or have been around for a while, you can sign up to receive emails from Goodman Oaks Church Office. We send a mid-week update on Wednesdays and a Friday Rundown in preparation for Sunday, which also includes our weekly bulletin. Click the link below to sign up.
Baptism Birthdays
Baptism is a big deal and each month we honor those in our Church Family who were baptized in that same month, no matter how long ago it was! If you know the month or month and year of your baptism, please enter it in the form linked below.
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